Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Virgini The Comparison Of Virginia - 725 Words

Virginia, home to over 8,490,000 people with gorgeous hotels, restaurants and beaches, and birthplace of 8 presidents. Virginia is also home to two strands of mountains: the Appalachian Mountains and the Blue Ridge mountains. Virginia is also considered to birthplace of America because of Jamestown. Virginia also has a long history with England, men and women who waned religious freedom boarded ships to come to the â€Å"New World†. When the adventurers arrived, they called the land Virginia after Queen Elizabeth I. Virginia also has three regions, which is divided by mountains. The first region is the Appalachian region, which is the north-west region until the Appalachian Mountains. Directly East of the Appalachian is the Blue Ridge†¦show more content†¦Anna River. It is also the home of many historical sites like Jamestown, the birthplace of George Washington, Montpellier, Monticello, the Arlington Cemetery and the Appomattox Court House. The Blue Ridge Mountains are notorious for being the most beautiful mountains in Virginia, especially in the Autumn. These mountains are not the highest peaks, but they are the most versatile; they have many trails, provide first class lodging, a vineyard and provide great biking trails. The Blue Ridge mountains are also home to over one-hundred-thirty species of trees and over one-thousand types of flowers. In the Autumn, the Blue Ridge Mountains attract many tourists to see the lovely colors of the leaves. Also, because of the elevation of the mountains it provides a mild climate to Virginia, most of the time. The Appalachian Mountains is a massive string of mountains, that take up over one-hundred-ninety-five thousand square miles; and spans across thirteen states. The Appalachian Mountains are also a main source of timber and coal. They are also home to around twenty-million people, most of which either lived there as kids, or are there to work for a company. The climate for anyone in the mountains i s harsh, however it can sustain life such as trees and flowers. Virginia has some long history with culture, for instance Alexandria, Appomattox, Lynchburg, Bedford, Richmond, Hopewell and Blacksburg, to name a few. However, the significance

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