Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nursing Practice. Roy Adaptation Model Research Paper

Nursing Practice. Roy Adaptation Model - Research Paper Example Adaptation is defined by RAM as the process and outcome, in which thinking and feeling of persons utilize conscious awareness to fashion integration between human perception and their environment. The paper explores the efficacy and application of Roy Adaptation Mode within the nursing practice. Roy Adaptation Model # 1a Summary of the Theory Roy’s adaptation model was advanced by Sr. Callista Roy and sums up as one of the broadly applied nursing models in nursing practice, education and research. The theory approaches nursing as the science that broadens adaptive abilities and promotes individual and environmental alteration. According to RAM, nursing goals pursue promotion of adaptation for persons and groups in four adaptive modes that contribute in the promotion of health, quality of life and dying with dignity (Clarke, Barone, Hanna & Senesac, 2011). Adaptation in this case is manifested by four interconnected modes of behavior: physiological, self-concept, role function and interdependence modes. RAM promotes nurse’s capabilities to enhance a person’s interaction with the environment to avail of an effective adaptation. According to RAM, an individual is described as an adaptive system capable of responding to diverse internal and external environment stimuli whether positively or negatively (Clarke, Barone, Hanna & Senesac, 2011). ... Roy adaptation model (RAM) is useful as it guides nursing practice and avails scientific knowledge for practice. The model has been essential in organizing nursing education, clinical assessment and intervention (Clarke, Barone, Hanna & Senesac, 2011). RAM comes out as an applicable, flexible and valuable model that can be employed in diverse aspects of nursing research. #1c Limitations of the Theory RAM has inspired the development of various middle range nursing theories. RAM arrangement of concepts is logical; however, the empirical precision of some terms and concepts is inadequate to mirror nursing disciplines. This may decrease the clarity of the model when employed in any specialized area of practice. The theory manifests explicit assumptions. These include the individual is mainly a bio-psycho-social being; the individual is in a continuous interaction with a changing environment; in order to cope with the changing world, individual usually employ both innate and acquired mec hanisms that are characteristically biological, psychological and social; health and illness are un avoidable dimensions in an individual’s life and in order to react positively to environmental changes, individuals must adapt (Clarke, Barone, Hanna & Senesac, 2011). # 2a Articles from the Nursing Literature that discusses RAM The application of RAM differs from one design to another depending on the predicted goals and the form of adaptation level required for monitoring. In the outlined studies, RAM plays a critical role in shaping research direction and the adaptation of participants. Huang, Carter & Guo (2004) study sought to estimate daytime sleepiness and measure factors unsettling the adaptation of sleep loss during the early postpartum

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