Thursday, October 31, 2019

Communication at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Communication at work - Essay Example These two cultures are distinct not only in terms of norms and values but also differ with respect to how people behave and interact with each other. In today’s increasingly globalised world people from different cultural backgrounds are required to work together and have consensus on critical issues. Effective communication becomes very important in the context of such working relationships. It is therefore of particular significance to examine the influence of culture on the communication styles adopted by individuals as well its impact on people’s personal relationships. This paper illuminates the ways through which salient cultural characteristics influence an individual or whole society’s communication styles. It categorises the differences in cultures with respect to individualistic and collectivistic approaches as well as high and low context of communication. It basically aims to illustrate that culture plays a very important role in determining the way people communicate and interact with each other. Culture plays an important role in determining the specific traits and characteristics of individuals belonging to a group that are distinct from other groups of people. People tend to identify themselves with respect to cultural groups and take pride in associating with them. Hofstede defines culture as, â€Å"the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another† (51). People in a separate group share similar characteristics that are identifiable with the help of visible traits and qualities. Drake delineates that, â€Å"culture describes a group’s relatively homogenous evaluations of multiple, interrelated phenomena† (320). These homogenous cultural traits develop into certain social norms and values that have a significant impact on how people think, feel, observe

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

John Van Hamersveld Art style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

John Van Hamersveld Art style - Essay Example In the late 60s, John boosted his portfolio after he assumed the role as an art director at the Capitol Records. This position, gave him an edge in designing more posters for famed musicians (Surfing Heritage & Culture Centre Web). John has designed more than 300 album covers and the most popular ones according to Surfing Heritage & Culture Centre were, â€Å"The Beatles’  Magical Mystery Tour  and  The Rolling Stones’  Exile on Main St† (Web). In the present, embodied legacy of John Van Hamersveld is located in the Coolhouse Studio. John Van Hamersveld has exemplary art works that are likeable. The digital print on the canvas ‘Waiting on the Storm’, of 2009, ‘Johnny Girl’ of 1972, and ‘Pipeline’ on digital print on Vinyl 2009 are the remarkable drawing that the essay will describe. John Van Hemersveld drawing "Waiting for the storm" digital print on canvas 2009 was a classical drawing that I saw. Though the drawing is simple, a person can derive some information from the design. The design emphasizes the ideas that the drawing brings forth in the mind of the viewer. John Van Hemersveld drawing was insightfully done to differentiate the background from the foreground. The foreground print of the drawing has numerous clouds that were blue at the base and white at the top. The blue color in the drawing generally creates a calm and peaceful environment in my mind. The clouds with the blue base was capturing to my eyes. The drawing indicated to me that the storm is not necessarily detrimental as most people think. Hence, the drawing depicts that when I prepare for the storm, the calm moment is likely to be experienced. †Waiting for the storm† by John Van Hemersveld illustrates that a storm can yield time for meditation and a quiet moment of peace. According to the drawing, I learn that my preparation for challenges in life determines the peace I can experience throughout the moment. Typ ically, blue is a color for calmness signifying that in my life I really need to prepare for the storm all round to always have a calm state. Another drawing that also captured my attention was â€Å"Johnny Girl† which was John Van Hemersveld digital print of canvas 1972. The drawing was of John who was all smiles and very happy. Johnny Girl drawing showed a boy who had typically gotten a girlfriend for the first time. Therefore, the drawing depicted Johnny’s achievement, which to him the achievement was something out of the ordinary in his life. Although the drawing may have brought out the feelings a person encounters when in a relationship for the first time, I did not like it at all. The drawing reminded me of my first relationship in High School which did not last for long. The amazing moments I had and the thought of a beautiful future were the ideas going through my mind. Despite the insightfully designed canvas, my past memories were the reason of my dislike fo r the photo. The 2009 Vinyl print of â€Å"Pipeline† drawing was generally amazing. A person who is keen to understand the drawing could only appreciate the remarkable design. I also became a victim of bypassing the drawing because the drawing was not as striking as the drawing of â€Å"Waiting in the Storm.† The â€Å"Pipeline† drawing was showing a sharp wave with high amplitude and a narrow front. The wave looked dangerous than

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Automotive Industry IT Requirements

Automotive Industry IT Requirements Total Cost of Ownership Objective: The objective of this analysis report is to study and analyse the present IT needs of the company and compare the economic benefits obtained when the company shifts to cloud solution as compared to the traditional On Premise IT configuration setup. The company chosen for this analysis is XYZ from the automotive industry. Company Description: XYZ is a global automobile manufacturing company and is a sub division of the Indian company ABCD. The company is known for its luxurious automobiles, buses, motorcycles and trucks. The headquarters of the company is in Dublin, Ireland. The company first gained its reputation back in 1990 and traces its origin to the founders of the company AB and CD. XYZ was first financed by PQR in the initial days. The first automobile launched by XYZ was regarded as the first CNG powered automobile. The slogan for XYZ is Just the best. Since 1998 XYZ is the top growing brand with the growth rate of 20%. Son of AB joined XYZ in 2001 after completing his MBA from a very reputed university in the UK and has been bringing a unique approach to branding and creativity in design ever since, which in turn has helped XYZ in achieving great heights in the respective industry. A Chinese automobile entrepreneur, DEF who worked with a Chinese automobile company created the trademark for XYZ in 1991 and the first automobile by XYZ was named after him which had a power of 30 hp. The first XYZ brand name luxurious vehicle was produced during 1992 with the merger of AB and CD. Throughout the 1990s XYZ produced a car named XYZ 123 which was supposedly the best luxurious car in those days and was used by the Queen of the UK. XYZ 123 was known for its exquisite design and bullet proof windshield. Other similar models were sold to private buyers only at auctions in the initial days. By 1995, the automotive division of XYZ was in financial difficulties because of the internal conflicts among the board of XYZ. It was during this period a shareholder meeting was held to decide whether to find an alternative to the issues or to go into liquidation. It was then decided to carry on, by trying to get funds from the current economy booming cars and it exploited so successfu lly that it also got the rights to manufacture the German car The FGH. After few modifications to the motorcycle engine XYZ started manufacturing mini cars as well. The success of these mini cars was sufficient to get XYZ back on its feet. Today, XYZ is a leading automobile company which also deals with cars in Formula 1. XYZ produces supercars under the XYZ supercar subdivision and motorcycles under the XYZ moto sub-division. The company has got over 20 showrooms in Europe with over 5000 employees. The purpose of the company is to deliver luxurious engineering to its customers. Thus, they make the customers feel better than they ever thought they can be. Customers are the heart of XYZs business and they have made it a point to provide exceptional customer care. Today, about 40% of the shareholder of XYZ is the Gerrard family of UK while the rest is in public float. By 1996, XYZ acquired the JKL company of Italy. JKL was briefly batched with the brand of XYZ until it was completely absorbed in a years time. The reason XYZ purchased JKL was that it was interested in the development of JKL in the overhead camshaft in automobile applications. The factory thus obtained from JKL was outmoded and XYZs immediate gain was, a s tock of highly qualified engineers and other personnel. JKL continued manufacturing their existing cars for a short period of time with the front and rear axles of XYZ till was closely incorporated into XYZ. In 1994, XZY acquired a large stake in the European based industrial design studio The Classic Designs, which they fully acquired by 1995. Also, by 1997 XYZ acquired the RALF group and owned it for some 3 years and then sold it when it was incurring huge loss in the automotive industry. After serving on the design team of XYZ for 7 years Mr. Lampard announced his departure from XYZ. He was replaced by Mr. Cole. Mr. Cole was known for his radical design contribution such as the XYZ 456 and XYZ 789. In 2001 production rights of the Mourinho Motorcycles was purchased by XYZ for 20 million euros. The company brings great value to their customers in a lot of ways like including promotions throughout the year, expert car care and maintenance advice and 4 points per ‚ ¬100 with their famous ADVANTAGE CARD. The customer can also subscribe to for extra benefits such as more treat for over 40 schemes by XYZ. On Premise IT As the company is evolving as a big brand day by day in the European automotive market, they need to have a proper IT setup too. As of now, the company has an on premise IT setup with its main office in Dublin 1, Ireland. Being an automotive company, there are not much departments in XYZ that need the servers or software. The servers are required only for running SQL databases to store all the company data related to the customers, inventory, employees, sales and purchases. Tape storage system is used for the backup purpose. To have the replicated copies of the data, XYZ makes use of RAID 10. Currently, XYZ is using a 25 Mbps bandwidth connection to connect all the servers and to ease out the networking. It includes hubs, switches and bridges for providing seamless networking. The hardware and the software configurations and other aspects related to the on premise IT setup of XYZ are as mentioned below: On Premise Hardware: Intel ® Xeon ® Processor: The company chose the Intel ® Xeon ® Processor to run and support the business applications and also to reduce the response time of the servers. Dell PowerEdge R910: Dell PowerEdge is a tower server having Intel E 7510 chipset. This chipset is popularly known for its key features like reliability, data protection and to improve the business productivity. It contains 16 GB ram with SATA connected to 8 TB storage. On Premise Software: Microsoft SQL server: XYZ is currently using SQL server for maintaining its database and keeping all the records of the customers, employees, sales and purchase, inventory management etc. Kaspersky Antivirus Operating System: Windows 10 is running on the front-end computers of the company while Ubuntu 16.04.01 server edition is used for servers. Storage: Currently, the company has 8 TB storage for storing its data. For backups, the company makes use of tape storage backup system. IT support Team: Currently XYZ has a small team dedicated to IT support. This team is in charge of configuring, administering and handling the IT systems present in the company. Also, the support team is responsible for managing the centralized server as well as to ensure that the complete data of XYZ is being properly managed and secured. As XYZ is expanding its business gradually, the current IT setup of the company is not enabling them to scale up. To scale up, they must increase their current on premise setup by adding more number of servers and increasing the storage space to incorporate the large amount of data onto the systems. With the increasing number of customers, there is a need for XYZ to have proper databases as well as additional softwares like ERP, CRM, Security Suite, LogMeln etc. Thus, the company is looking forward to opening new offices within Dublin. Also, there is a need for the company to increase the storage from 8 TB to 500 TB for data storage and backup purposes. Hence, the company also wants to eliminate the tape storage system, as it seems to be a costly option. The company thus, needs to take steps towards the IT sector and keep increasing it with the growth of business, so that it becomes easy to manage the daily and continuous needs of the company and the employees as well. Thus, this case study is to provide XYZ with the best economical solution for them to setup their new IT office in Dublin by making sure to cover all their needs and eliminating all the problems the company is currently facing and also, reducing the expenses as much as possible. On Premise Cost Analysis: No. of Servers No. of Cores Processor No. of processor per Server RAM (GB) Power (kW) Unit Cost Units (U) Unit Discount % Total Cost of 16 units 8 16 2 128 4.5 ‚ ¬7227 16 30 ‚ ¬45,530 Total Server Hardware Cost:‚ ¬45,530 Server Hardware maintenance: ‚ ¬34,148 Cost for 5 years(@ 15 %/year) Total Server hardware + maintenance: ‚ ¬79,678 Total Peak Power consumed in kW: ‚ ¬4.5 kW Rack Infrastructure Cost: Assuming 1 rack can accommodate 42 units; XYZ would require 1 rack. Rack Chassis with PDU cost *‚ ¬4000 per rack:‚ ¬3590 PDUs, dual 280V per rack cost *‚ ¬620 each, 2 per rack for higher availability: ‚ ¬1240 Top of Rack Switch (48 port 10/100/1G, 2 per Rack for higher availability, ‚ ¬6000 each): ‚ ¬12000 Development Cost of Rack and Server* ‚ ¬350 per server: ‚ ¬2800 Total Rack Infrastructure Cost: ‚ ¬19630 Total Cost ( Racks + Hardware): ‚ ¬ 99,308 Software Costs for Server: Being an automotive company XYZ uses Microsoft Dynamics GP software as their ERP software, Microsoft Dynamics CRM as their customer relationship management software and Microsoft SQL as their database software solution. Microsoft SQL Server:‚ ¬3717 Microsoft SQL Server Licence, ‚ ¬2000 per core: ‚ ¬16000 for 8 core processors Kaspersky Antivirus: ‚ ¬725 per user = ‚ ¬18,125 per user Total Server Software cost: ‚ ¬37,842 Total Server Hardware Software Installation, maintenance and updating cost: ‚ ¬22,500 TOTAL SERVER COSTS (HARDWARE + SOFTWARE) FOR 5 YEARS: ‚ ¬159,400 On Premise Facilities Cost: Total Power Consumed by Servers:4.5 kW Metered Cost per kWh:‚ ¬0.19 Estimated Power cost/month:‚ ¬589 Total monthly facilities cost:‚ ¬2173 Total facilities cost for 5 years:‚ ¬130,380 Storage Cost: SAN type storage: 500TB XYZ currently is in need of about the raw capacity requirement of 500 TB memory HDD. Also, XYZ currently makes use of RAID 10 with SQL servers for backup. Raw Storage (GB) Remaining Storage after OS recognized (~7%) Usable Storage on RAID 10 configuration (GB) Purchase price per raw GB after 50% discount Final SAN storage price 512000 GB 476,160 GB 238,080 GB ‚ ¬1.94 ‚ ¬991,232 Storage Backup Cost: Amount of Storage to be backed up (GB) Backup Window Time (Hours) Backup Window Processed TBs per drive No. of tape drives required for backup window (*~0.83 tape required for 1 TB) Cost of tape library per drive Backup cost for 5 years (Cost of tape drive * no of required tapes) 512000 GB 8 3.85 262 ‚ ¬1584 ‚ ¬415,008 Number of Racks required to host storage: 1 (Single rack can be used to 1000TB) Operating Rack Monthly Cost: ‚ ¬1320 Total data center space, power, cooling costs for 5 years: ‚ ¬79,200 Hence, total storage costs for 5 years would be:- Total Storage Cost = Raw Capacity cost + Backup Cost + Overhead Cost + Final Cost = ‚ ¬991,232 + ‚ ¬415,008 + ‚ ¬79,200 Total Storage Cost = ‚ ¬2,476,672 Bandwidth Costs: Size of Network Pipe Peak per Average Ratio On Premise Bandwidth Cost per Mbps Bandwidth Cost per month Total Bandwidth cost for 5 years 25 Mbps 3 ‚ ¬9 ‚ ¬75 ‚ ¬4500 Total Bandwidth Cost: ‚ ¬4500 IT Labour Cost: NETWORK ADMIN STORAGE ADMIN 2 ADMIN ON 1 SERVER % total admin effort 10% 80% 400% Monthly Salary ‚ ¬2500 ‚ ¬4000 ‚ ¬5000 5 Year Salary ‚ ¬150,000 ‚ ¬240,000 ‚ ¬1,200,000 Total IT salary cost: ‚ ¬1,590,000

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Analysis of William Carlos Williams Poem, The Young Housewife Essay

An Analysis of William Carlos Williams' Poem, The Young Housewife In this poem, Williams uses a series of images to capture a fleeting moment in time, an emotion of admiration and desire. The poem consists of three stanzas of varying length, and each share in a similar method in portraying the woman and the narrator's relationship with her. Each stanza starts out with somewhat broad statements about the scene, and as they each progress, they become more specific until the image is pinned down to a specific moment in time. After reading the poem the reader is left with three separate images, which describe the emotion/admiration felt by the narrator for the woman. Williams in the first stanza gives the reader a glimpse of the woman in "her husband's house". His description is somewhat voyeuristic, as the woman is in her negligee behind walls, and yet the reader is still able to see her. The poet also tells us the exact time, ten A.M.. This suggests that the woman while still in her negligee, is in no rush to prepare herself for the day. This is import...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Audience Adaptation Paper

Taylor Cook COMM 101- Fundamentals of Public Speaking Audience Adaptation Paper February 18, 2013 In the TED video that I watched, the subject was about â€Å"Body Language† and was twenty-one minutes and three seconds long, but the speaker stopped officially talking at twenty minutes and fifty-four seconds into the video. The speaker, Amy Cuddy, had very interesting points about how a person’s power pose, powerful/ prideful or curled into a ball and timid, can influence themselves on how they think and feel about themselves. She also made the point that our bodies change our minds and that power posing for a few minutes really change your life in a meaningful way. Throughout the video I was a little unimpressed with her delivery on the subject. She did not seem to â€Å"do as she preached. † Her personal appearance was fine. She was dressed in all black except for her undershirt was teal which made her fade into the background except for her pop of color. She also hunched quite a bit and did not stand as properly or formally as other public speakers I have seen. Her body language was okay. When she showed what a power pose was, which was supposed to look like Wonder Woman, she did it not very convincingly and looked better and more â€Å"at home† doing a shy and timid pose. She did do a lot of walking up and down the stage to keep an eye on her audience and to keep them paying attention to her. This did work because when they would put the camera out to the audience, they were all intently in tune with what she was saying. Throughout the speech I did not feel much of a volume change until the end when she had gotten emotional with a story she chose to tell about herself and later on a student much like herself. This volume change is of course not a good one because you should not ever pick something to talk about that creates reoccurring feelings. This could make you really hard to understand through the crying or you could not be able to finish through your weeping. Her rate of speech was never too fast, but at points was really slow due to trying to find the right words to say to her audience. She kept saying â€Å"um† quite often and stumbled over what she was trying to say next. After the first ten minutes, she had said the word â€Å"um† over fifteen times. After the ten minutes, I quite focusing my attention on that and tried to focus on her main points and ideas about our body language. As Amy Cuddy’s speech progressed, she did not pause as much as she did in the first half of her speech. The best segment when she was truly flowing was when she started to talk about lab research she had done to prove her point that higher powered people are twenty-seven percent more likely to gamble than low powered people. They also have a twenty percent increase of testosterone than low powered people. High powered people had a twenty-five percent decrease in Cortisol, while low powered people had a fifteen percent increase. She seemed really happy with her proven results and it showed the way she spoke. Her language was very proper and articulate, except for her â€Å"um’s† of course. She did very well at pronunciating each thing she said. She did not have any dialect, so she was really easy to understand. While speaking, the only gestures she seemed to make were with her hands. She would either point to the screen behind her to show her research or notes or fiddled with her hands in front of herself. She rarely used anything else than her hands to symbol anything or to point something out. From the very beginning her eye contact was spot on with the audience. She opened with a camera on the audience to see how everyone was sitting. When she started to point out what she saw, the entire audience began to realize they were being analyzed. Everyone sat up straight and fixed their overall appearances. Overall her presentation was not terrible, but it was not perfect either. Her aids throughout are what I believe made the presentation a somewhat success. Her notes, questions, and graphs on her slides for the audience not only showed proof of her research, but preparation. That is the key trait that I had seen in her, which was quite ironic since she said that it was her weakness. My favorite phrase that she used throughout the seminar and what I know I’ll definitely pass along is â€Å"Don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it until you become it. †

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gandhi, Martin Luther King, And Mandela: What Made Non-Violence Work Essay

The history of violence in the world is well documented. However it is also possible to use non-violence to bring about change. This DBQ will look at two countries where a non-violent movement was successful. India and South Africa were two important nations on two different continents. But although they looked strong on the outside, each one suffered from a disease that threatened the health of the whole. For India, the disease was colonization. For South Africa, it was racial segregation. In each of these nations three conditions help explain why non-violence worked. The first condition was that both of them had been colonies of England. And like England both countries thought law was very powerful, more powerful even than government officials. The second condition was the presence of violence. Without the possibility of a violent revolution, the government might not have been willing to change. The third condition was the presence of a leader, Mohandas Gandhi in India and Nelson Mandela South Africa. Each of these men was so charismatic he could lead his followers to a non-violent victory. Both of them gave their lives to the cause. Gandhi was shot by an assassin while Mandela spent almost twenty-seven years of his life in prison. Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela all achieved a revolution and independence in their countries through non-violence. The reason this worked is because the non-violent people would be beaten and killed for doing nothing wrong, this made the attackers look like idiots for killing defenseless people. This would make the attackers realize what they’re doing and they would grant the country independence. The documents provided could be situated into four categories: civil disobedience, self-control, willingness to accept punishment, and embracing the enemy. Document 1 is a letter from Gandhi to Lord Irwin, the English governor in India. The point of view is Gandhi because he is basically telling the governor what his plans of civil disobedience are: Gandhi and the community are going to ignore the Salt Laws and march to the sea to make their own salt. The tone of this letter is very calm and peaceful. Document 2 is an excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s autobiography along with a photograph of a 1963 sit-in of integration supporters at a lunch counter. The point of view is MLK and the tone of his excerpt is proud because he knows that what  he’s saying is right. This is a good example of non-violence and civil disobedience because the lunch counter was for white people only, and the integration supporters did not fight back at all to the people who may have been throwing stuff at them, pouring stuff on them, or spitting at them. Finally, Document 3 is an excerpt from Nelson Mandela’s book, Long Walk to Freedom, and he is contemplating which tactic to use in order to achieve independence. The tone of this document is just boring because Mandela is simply thinking to himself. After pondering over the situation, he obviously selects the non-violent approach and it works like a charm. An additional document that could be helpful for this category could be a picture of a group of people who are being civilly disobedient and being beaten.